Blog Archives

IBM to purchase DemandTec

I.B.M. reported this week that they will purchase DemandTec, a web-based enterprise software company, for $440 million. Reasoning for this purchase is likely DemandTec’s standing with both cloud based services and data analytics. Craig Hayman, an I.B.M. general manager, commented, “The combination of DemandTec and I.B.M. will help marketing and sales executives in retail and

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Banner ad campaigns: Best practices

BANNER AD CAMPAIGNS: BEST PRACTICESInterested in posting banner ads to bring more business your way? The holiday season is just the time to begin considering this marketing strategy. In short, you have three basic options for starting a banner ad campaign: 1) Work out an exchange with other web sites- they display your ad, you

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Nothing says SOLD! like free shipping

Picture yourself browsing the Internet, shopping for that perfect gift. As you compare prices, one stands out: ‘Free Shipping on orders of [insert price] or more!’ Your brain starts spinning as you think So, if I order that whirlygig for myself, that will get my order total up to the free shipping cutoff. Sound familiar?

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Black Friday Shopping Results: Kindle Fire on Top Inc. announced Monday that the popular Kindle Fire held the number one spot for bestselling product in Black Friday’s shopping results. There are four product in the Kindle family line: the $79 Kindle, $99 Kindle Touch, $149 Kindle Touch 3G and the $199 Kindle Fire, gaining top marks at only 8 weeks old. Compared

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Banner-Ads: What types do I have to choose from?

In the time it has taken you to find this article, it’s nearly a guarantee that you’ve encountered a banner ad. These rectangular graphic advertisements serve the same purpose as an advert in a traditional magazine or newspaper- getting you, the consumer, to come to the store. Except, in the virtual world, the store has

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Writing newsletters: tips for effective and efficient communication

Are you considering a newsletter to communicate efficiently with clients? Don’t be fooled by its simplicity- only a carefully planned and organized newsletter will communicate effectively. The following are tips to consider when embarking upon newsletter creation. Audience Who is your reader? Always keep your intended, strategic audience in mind when writing. What is important

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Choosing between single or multiple page website design

Single-page websites are increasing in popularity among web designers, both for personal projects as well as client sites. The attraction is clear: with the use of scripts such as jQuery, Ajax, and Parallax, single-page websites have brought on a whole new level of interactivity for their users. One-page sites make a lot of sense when

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Upgrading your web browser: Why you should act now

No matter the browser you choose to use, chances are you’ve been prompted to upgrade to the latest version. Have you ignored that pop-up window? Have you been thinking, not now, maybe later? Most Internet users do just that. Whether you prefer Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, or SeaMonkey, this article

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Responsive web design: A custom experience for all

Congratulations! You’ve launched your business website, and you are beginning to see traffic flow increase. How many versions of your site have you created? Is it compatible with MS Explorer, Firefox, and Safari? Do you have a mobile version? Does it work on a Blackberry? How about an iPhone? Have you considered its compatibility with

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Should my business website have a blog component?

If you’ve not started a company blog because you’re unsure of a blog’s benefits, this article will elucidate the topic, giving you five reasons to begin your blog. Take the following quick quiz, answering only yes or no. 1. Do you want your business website to help you reach out to current and potential clients?

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