Blog Archives

CakePHP Tip – Creating static page

There is an easy way of creating a static page in CakePHP. This tip allows also to create non-authenticated pages among applications that needs authentication. For the purpose of this example, we will create a static page 1. Go to /app/config/routes.php, and add this line: Router::connect(‘/about’, array(‘controller’ => ‘pages’, ‘action’ => ‘display’, ‘about’)); 2.

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Splash pages: Do you have one? Do you want one?

A splash page is simply an introductory page for your website. This page generally fits into one screenshot (that is, it doesn?t require scrolling), and it typically offers one or two of the following features: graphic or logo, animation or flash movie, choice of how to enter the site (flash/no-flash, etc.), and technical requirements (browser,

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Successful Business Website Design: 5 Critical Design Elements

You need to find an electrician to come fix some things in your home. Where are you likely to turn? More and more consumers are turning to the Internet to find businesses. Recent statistical data on world Internet usage indicates a growth of 480.4% worldwide from 2010 to 2011. A report from the Pew Internet

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Google purchases Zagat

Zagat, the popular restaurant reviews service was purchased by Google this past week. Though terms of the acquisition were not disclosed, Google users will begin to see Zagat’s content integrated in Google searches and Google Maps. A New York- based company, Zagat offers a variety of reviews, ratings and insights on restaurant, bar, and hotel

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Social Media Advertising For the Novice User

Depending on your experience with social media, the thought of using it for advertising your business might be a scary topic. Unlike traditional advertising methods, social media puts a lot of trust and responsibility in the hands of the consumer. By using this medium wisely, social media can be the catalyst for growth in sales.

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Web traffic truths: a warning on traffic scams

You want more traffic to your website, right? Offers to increase your website traffic may seem like pennies to pay, but be cautious. You could be victim to a web traffic scam. Website traffic services ask you to pay a fee, such as $20/ month, and in return you are promised a guaranteed increase in

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Google is shutting down a handful of properties and projects

Google is now focusing on meaningful projects only, and the company is shutting down a handful of properties and projects. Among them Aardvark, a start-up they acquired in 2010 for $50M. In a blog post on the official Google Blog we can read – “This will make things much simpler for our users, improving the

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SEO: Underscores vs. dashes in URLs

Google Team released recently a video that clarifies an issue of Underscores vs. dashes in URLs and its impact on SEO. Matt Cutts from Google explains the difference between how Google interprets underscores and dashes in a URL, and tells a history of this issue. The main conclusion of this message is that if you

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Tumbling toward $100 million

Tumbler, a blogger service growing in popularity, is nearing $75-$100 million in venture capital. This estimation implies a market value of near $800 million according to the Wall Street Journal. One of the larger firms taking part in the deal is Greylock Partners, whose portfolio companies include daily deals company, Groupon, and bed-for-rent service, Airbnb.

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Google Continues to Expand It’s Empire

This week, Google has announced that it is now available on 40 top-level country domains, and is now available in more than 130 countries and over 60 languages. This allows Google to receive even more international attention, and the interface is now customizable to suit anyone from anywhere. Google has also announced that their Street

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