Category Archives: Internet Business Tips

Writing newsletters: tips for effective and efficient communication

Are you considering a newsletter to communicate efficiently with clients? Don’t be fooled by its simplicity- only a carefully planned and organized newsletter will communicate effectively. The following are tips to consider when embarking upon newsletter creation. Audience Who is your reader? Always keep your intended, strategic audience in mind when writing. What is important

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Choosing between single or multiple page website design

Single-page websites are increasing in popularity among web designers, both for personal projects as well as client sites. The attraction is clear: with the use of scripts such as jQuery, Ajax, and Parallax, single-page websites have brought on a whole new level of interactivity for their users. One-page sites make a lot of sense when

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Upgrading your web browser: Why you should act now

No matter the browser you choose to use, chances are you’ve been prompted to upgrade to the latest version. Have you ignored that pop-up window? Have you been thinking, not now, maybe later? Most Internet users do just that. Whether you prefer Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, or SeaMonkey, this article

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Responsive web design: A custom experience for all

Congratulations! You’ve launched your business website, and you are beginning to see traffic flow increase. How many versions of your site have you created? Is it compatible with MS Explorer, Firefox, and Safari? Do you have a mobile version? Does it work on a Blackberry? How about an iPhone? Have you considered its compatibility with

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Should my business website have a blog component?

If you’ve not started a company blog because you’re unsure of a blog’s benefits, this article will elucidate the topic, giving you five reasons to begin your blog. Take the following quick quiz, answering only yes or no. 1. Do you want your business website to help you reach out to current and potential clients?

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Quality logo design: 5 essential components

Coca-Cola has the scripted font, McDonald’s has the golden arches, and Apple? well, an apple. A logo is fundamental to marketing your business. But, logo design is not something to be taken lightly. In fact, logos are multifaceted in their interaction to the consumer. For example, Coca-Cola’s scripted logo gives the familiarity of hand-written words

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ACH Payment 5535134 Canceled – ACH Payment Canceled Malware Email

If by any chance you receive an email from an address such as ach.01[at] and with a subject line “ACH Payment 5535134 Canceled,” be aware this email contains a virus. This email is obviously not from the ACH and it is an attempt by Internet criminals to trick internet users into opening the attached file

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How to fix security issue with Facebook Pages/Apps

Step by step how to fix “Please Update Your Secure Tab URL” error on Facebook Pages/Apps. The error looks like this: Please Update Your Secure Tab URL To make sure users can view your app over a secure browser connection (https), please visit the developer console to update your Secure Tab URL. Update secure URL

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CakePHP Tip – Creating static page

There is an easy way of creating a static page in CakePHP. This tip allows also to create non-authenticated pages among applications that needs authentication. For the purpose of this example, we will create a static page 1. Go to /app/config/routes.php, and add this line: Router::connect(‘/about’, array(‘controller’ => ‘pages’, ‘action’ => ‘display’, ‘about’)); 2.

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Splash pages: Do you have one? Do you want one?

A splash page is simply an introductory page for your website. This page generally fits into one screenshot (that is, it doesn?t require scrolling), and it typically offers one or two of the following features: graphic or logo, animation or flash movie, choice of how to enter the site (flash/no-flash, etc.), and technical requirements (browser,

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