Monthly Archives: December 2009

Happy New York

Happy New Year from Royal Deer Design of New York! According to Wikipedia, nearly 170 languages are spoken in the New York City and 36% of its population was born outside the United States! So, let me wish you Happy New Year in few languages. HAPPY NEW YEAR in few languages: ARABIC – sana saiida

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Browser Wars

According to a survey from the analytical firm StatCounter, browser Mozilla’s Firefox 3.5 had a 21.93% market share while Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 7 has 21.2 % and Internet Explorer 8 has 20.33%. We can see that Internet Explorer is losing market share by falling during a period of one year from 68% to 55%. *Browser

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Opera – there are browsers worse than IE

Few reasons: – problem with displaying images, in some cases images change positions on the website during uploading the content. Finally images go to the proper place but there is some delay in interpretation of css – some input forms with option “upload file” doesn’t work with Opera, I don’t want to go into technical

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Google Live

Google announced – today’s word needs search results updates each second. Previously it took at least a few minutes for updates from social networks. But every second there is new content on the websites like Twitter, MySpace and Facebook. Google is going to quickly (every second) bring updates from those websites into the search index.

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