Monthly Archives: January 2010

Update Your Browser!

Google will not support anymore Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 6 Web browser. Support for Internet Explorer 6 in Google Docs and Google Sites will end March 1, 2010. That means IE6 users who try to use Google Docs or Google Sites may find that “key functionality” don’t work correctly. To ensure the best experience and highest

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Confusing name of iPad tablet

Apple is facing a lot of troubles after the iPad announcement on Wednesday. Many people are saying the name iPad is too much associate with feminine hygiene products (“iTampon” became one of the most popular trending topics on Twitter). Natives from Boston to Ireland complain that iPad and iPod (Apple’s music player) in their regional

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Microsoft is doing good

Microsoft announced 60 percent increase in quarterly profit, mostly because of strong sales of Windows 7. Net profit of the company came to $6.7 billion, up from $4.2 billion a year earlier.

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Apple’s iPad Tablet

Steven P. Jobs has introduced Apple’s new device – a tablet computer, called the iPad. The price of the iPad will be $499 for the basic model (with a Wi-Fi wireless connection), and around $800 for expensive models (more memory and 3G wireless access from AT&T). The iPad is half-inch thick, it weighs 1.5-pound, it

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Apple shows a big profit

The newest report from Apple shows a big profit for the quarter ended December 26. The income jumped more than 40 percent ($3.38 billion) up from $2.26 billion a year earlier. Revenue rose from $11.88 billion to $15.68 billion in the same quarter last year. Apple announced that the company sold 3.36 million Macs in

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We are a Social Networking Nation!

According to The Nielsen Company, global consumers spend more than five and half hours on social networking sites (like Facebook and Twitter) in December 2009. It is 82% more time than we did a year earlier, when users were spending over three hours a day .

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AT&T wireless service

The AT&T carrier is investing unreasonably in its wired network even that its wireless service is way behind the competition. According to Gerard Hallaren of TownHall Investment Research, AT&T in order to bring its cellular service up to the level of its competitor (Verizon Wireless, Hallaren), the company has to invest an additional US$5 billion.

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Royal Deer Design is working with MV Sport on the innovative project Vote For Art. was created to organize graphic design competitions in partnership with major universities across the USA. published few days ago an article about this project. Also, recently the founder of Vote For Art, Mr. Jeremy Parker, was named “New

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The Cost of Piracy

During the year 2009, worldwide sales of recorded music fell by 10 percent. A trade group, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, announced that a digital piracy is a reason of 30 percent decline in global music sales from 2004 to 2009. However, global sales via digital methods (the Internet, mobile phones) rose 12

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The first tweet from space happened

“Hello Twitterverse! We r now LIVE tweeting from the International Space Station ? the 1st live tweet from Space! :) More soon, send your ?s.” wrote today Mr. Timothy Creamer, whose Twitter name is Astro_TJ. He is an Astronaut on board the International Space Station (I.S.S.).

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