Monthly Archives: February 2010

Atom N470 Processor from Intel

Intel is going to officially release on Monday the latest Atom N470 processor. A new processor from Intel will bring faster performance and longer battery life to netbooks. The N470 chip processor will run at a speed of 1.83GHz. All Atom chips from Intel go into small, low-cost laptops called netbooks. Netbooks are designed to

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Windows Versions Share

According to a new data from, in January 2010 Windows versions share of web consumption is: Windows XP – 51.8%, Windows Vista – 37.4%, Windows 7 – 10.2%, Windows Other – 0.6%.

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Most popular websites in Internet

Web analytics firm Compete released data for the top 50 websites in the U.S. Most shopping sites recorded a large drop in unique visitors since December 2009, tax services and travel sites are seeing very high growth rates. A complete list of top 50 websites you can find here. Below a list of top 10

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Big money is back to Manhattan

NYTimes reports “The big money is back on Wall Street. Wall Street ’09 Bonuses Increase 17%.” Investment banks and securities firms paid employees in New York City about $20.3 billion in annual bonuses, that was up from $17.4 billion for 2008.

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600 Tweets Per Second

In 2008 we were creating 5,000 tweets a day, in 2008 it was 300,000 a day, then 35 million last year and today we generate 50 million tweets a day. It is 600 tweets per second. The company claims it excluded spam from the measure. Source:

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Twitter Phishing Attack

The phishing messages look like this: “Lol. this you?? http:// /login.” Don’t click it. The link will bring you to a fake Twitter login webpage

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Google in Africa

Google constantly expands its online maps service. The Google Africa blog announced that the company is launching Maps domains for 30 countries across Africa. “Google Maps users can now find local businesses. This could be a burger place in Lagos, a garage in Kampala, a hairdresser in Accra or an airport shuttle in Dakar,” –

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Google, Facebook, then Yahoo

New data released by web analytics firm shows that Facebook is the second most visited website in U.S. Google is still number one, third place belongs to Yahoo. Facebook’s traffic rose in January 2010 to 133.62 million visitors, Yahoo shrunk down to 132.00 million. Google’s US traffic grew by over 1 million visitors between

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Hewlett-Packard Grows

Hewlett-Packard announced that the company’s first-quarter profit increased by 28 percent from a year 2009. HP’s profit for the quarter ended January 31 2010 was US$2.3 billion, up from $1.9 billion in the same quarter last year. Hewlett-Packard’s revenue increased by 8 percent to $31.2 billion.

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Nokia in USA

Nokia do not sell mobile phones to Americans. Even if Nokia is the world’s largest mobile maker (2 of every 5 cell phones bought last year were Nokias), the brand is almost undetectable in the United States. According to the article about that issue from NYTimes, Nokia cut itself out of the American market through

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