Monthly Archives: April 2010

Adobe against Flash

Steve Jobs (CEO of Apple) in his statement “Thoughts on Flash” laid out reasons for excluding Flash from Apple’s devices. Some of reasons are: Flash animations use too much of battery, low security, and questionable functionality on touch-screen devices.

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HP is buying Palm for $1.2 Billion

Hewlett-Packard is going to buy phone maker Palm for $1.2 billion. Even though Palm last year released a new operating system, WebOS, which is running on two phone models, the company is recently straggling to sell the phones. It is mainly because of a strong competition from Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android phones

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Web War – as an aggressor sent a letter to Plenty of Fish (and other competitors as well) accusing the free dating website of making unproven claims about its traffic and number of users. You can read more about this story on a Markus Frind blog (Plenty of Fish founder)

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Android 2.2 Will Support Flash

That the upcoming version of the Android mobile operating system 2.2 will fully support Flash technology. According to Comscore Android currently has 9 percent smartphones market share in the United States.

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Google TV

Samsung executive announced in The Korea Herald (an English-language newspaper in South Korea) that Samsung is considering Google TVs. The television sets would use Google?s Android operating system. Samsung just after Nokia, is nowadays the world?s second-largest mobile phone maker. Samsung claims to have the world?s slimmest TV set which will be launch in the

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Web is dominated by young adults

According to the latest study from BlogHer andiVillage, young adults (ages 18-25) are the top group in reading and writing blogs. Nearly one-third reporting read web blogs and over 40% blogging themselves. 12.8% of web bloggers are seniors.

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Craigslist, sex and money

Craigslist is one of the most popular website in the United States. A big part of the website’s revenue are controversial sex advertisements. According to a new projection of Craigslist?s income, the ads (mainly those which advertize prostitution) are expected to bring $36 million this year. It is three times the revenue in projection from

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Chrome extensions all web designers and website developers must have

If you are web developer I am sure you user Firefox and its great extensions for web specialists. However, it looks like there is another browser which can make your work more efficient. Chrome – a browser from Google offers many plugging for web developers and some of the are really good! Bellow a list

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WordPress 3 is due in early May

WordPress (blogging platform) is about to get another update version 3.0, which is due in early May. Version 3.0 of WordPress is in the beta release stage. It is scheduled for final release in May 2010. Below is the list of some of the enhancements and fixes which WordPress 3 will bring. New menu management

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Microsoft’s Income Rises

It looks like the technology industry have had their recovery. Intel, Apple, EMC and now Microsoft are announcing an income rises. Microsoft, the world?s largest software producer reported results for its third quarter which shows sales rising 6 percent.

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