Monthly Archives: April 2010

Video Rental Store from YouTube

YouTube has begun offering movies and TV episodes for rental at Rentals are available mostly between 99 cents and $3.99.

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Apple’s Second Quarter Profit

Apple reported a 90 percent increase in profits for the quarter ended on March 27. During the quarter worldwide iPhone shipments was 8.75 million (it is an increase of 131 percent compared to first quarter 2009), Mac computer unit shipments worldwide was 2.94 million (it is an increase of 33 percent compared to the first

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Network Solutions Hacked, again

Network Solutions, website domain registrar and hosting provider acknowledged that hackers had broken into its servers. At least 50 websites hosted by Networks Solutions had been hacked, including one of our (Royal Deer Design) client. “We have received reports that Network Solutions customers are seeing malicious code added to their websites, and we are really

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Flash coming to Android, WebOS and BlackBerry

Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen in his interview confirmed that Android, WebOS and BlackBerry versions of Flash 10.1 will be available on those platforms in the second half of the year.

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Video Game Sales Rise

Video Games software in March grew 10 percent to $875.3 million from the same time a year ago. Video Games industry revenues grew 6 percent to $1.52 billion. Also Video Games accessory sales grew up 11 percent to $206.8 million.

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New York City limits Art Vendors in NY Parks

The Department of Parks and Recreation is planning to slice the number of vendors allowed at some of Manhattan’s busiest parks like Central Park, Union Square Park, Battery Park and the High Line Park. Bloomberg administration proposes on Friday to cut their numbers by 75 percent. Among reasons behind the decision are suggestions that vendors

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Web Developer’s Journal: moving vBulletin forums to another server

Step by step instruction to move vBulletin forums from one server to another. 1. Use FTP or your hosts’ file manager to move all vBulletin files from one server to another. 2. Move database to new hosting. You can create a copy of vBulletin database by using vBulletin control panel for admin. 3. Open up

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The Robots in New York City

Maker Faire, an event for electronics and robots enthusiasts, is coming to New York City. The event is scheduled for September 25 to 26, and will take place at the New York Hall of Science.

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Business in New York City

Why doing business in a place as expensive as New York City? Businesses in the city pays triple what they should be paying for office space anywhere else. However, salaries are at least double what they would be anywhere else. There are hundreds of thousands of small businesses in New York City and some of

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Next-gen iPhone on Jule 22nd?

There are speculations that a new next-gen iPhone will come to the market on June 22nd. Source:

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