Monthly Archives: April 2010

Free Tweetie

Twitter bought third-party Twitter client Tweetie. Twitter will rename the app “Twitter for iPhone”, and this app will be available in the iTunes AppStore for free, instead of $2.99.

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Google Buys Plink

Google has purchased mobile visual search applications – UK-based company Plink. Since now the company’s founders (Mark Cummins and James Philbin) will work on visual search applications Google Goggles. Visual search applications are able to recognize artworks and paintings by analyzing images. Plink Art is an app for mobile phones that lets identify any work

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New Gmail widget – Nested Labels

Gmail labs is launching a new widget – Nested Labels. Everybody who use labels in Gmail should be excited about this new feature. Nested Labels allows users to manage their emails by sorting them into a hierarchy of labels. Personally, I am using labels to organize messages related to particular projects, and a system of

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Google: site speed effects its search ranking

Important improvement in Google search ranging algorithms – website speed effects its search ranking. We can read on an official Google blog: ” Currently, fewer than 1% of search queries are affected by the site speed signal in our implementation and the signal for site speed only applies for visitors searching in English on

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Twitter goes international

Matt Sanford, a lead engineer in Twitter’s team, accounted that more than 60 percent of registered Twitter accounts come from outside the U.S.

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Sweet New York

In order to improve the health of New York State residents, New York among other states is considering to erase a tax of about one penny per ounce on high-calorie sweetened beverages.

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Success of iPad

Apple said it sold more than 300,000 iPads during a device’s first day on the market. iPad users downloaded already more than one million apps from the App Store and more than 250,000 ebooks from the iBookstore.

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iPhone 4.0 OS

Apple has announced an event which will take place this Thursday, April 8. Apple will present a new version of the iPhone operating system. Now, the iPad runs iPhone OS 3.2, the iPhone and iPod Touch are running OS 3.1.3. The company is going to show a version 4.0. One of the new functionality of

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Jobs Recovery

Since the recession began in December 2007 eight million jobs was lost. Last month employers around the country created 162,000 nonfarm jobs. However, nationwide, the unemployment rate is still 9.7 percent.

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Henry Edward, Altair Inventor Dies Aged 68

Henry Edward Roberts, a designer of the Altair 8800, a machine which was an inspiration for Bill Gates and Paul Allen, has died aged 68. Gates and Allen (Microsoft co-founders) said in their statement “We are deeply saddened by the passing of our friend and early mentor, Ed Roberts.”

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