Monthly Archives: June 2010

New websites in our portfolio

Royal Deer Design is proud to announce that our team just finished few new projects. We pushed live a beautiful online store created by using ZenCard – We also accomplished a huge website Vote For Art (, which contains social networking functionality and the most sophisticated web technologies. To learn more visit our portfolio.

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HTML5 < video > tag versus Flash

HTML5 is still very new way of displaying video on web. On an official YouTube blog we can read that the company has to use Flash technology in order to meet all the needs of a site like YouTube. HTML5 < video > tag does not provide yet a good enough experience for viewers as

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Chrome more popular than Safari

A web analytics company Statcounter announced a press release with a study which shows that Google’s Chrome is the third most used browser in the United States. During a study the company considered 874 million page views from the network of over three million websites. Out of this number Chrome had a market share of

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ICANN Approves Dot-XXX Domain for Porn

It is official, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers decided Friday that pornography industry will have its own top-level domain, dot-XXX. ICM Registry said that .xxx makes it easier to filter out inappropriate content. Great news for those that wish to consume, or avoid, adult content, said Chairman Stuart Lawley.

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Google Gmail and HTML5

According to Adam de Boor (a staff software engineer from Google) many upcoming features of the Gmail will be rendered in HTML5. De Boor said that Gmail with HTML5 will be much more efficient. Early tests have proved promising. Google has found that using CSS3 can speed the rendering time by 12 percent. HTML5 allows

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Flash for mobile devices

Website Developers and web designers use Flash to build an online content, Web games and show videos on web. However, recently Flash came under attack from Apple, which blocked Flash from iPhones and iPads, calling it an archaic technology. Adobe is punching back and it is launching a full version of Flash for mobile devices,

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Dell computers with Chrome OS

Dell Inc., a multinational information technology corporation that develops, sells and supports computers talked with Google over the use of the Chrome operating system on its laptops. Dell already has Android-based smartphones in China, and right now it will be releasing ChromeOS laptops in the near future. It will happen probably during a holiday 2010.

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Javascript Change Font Size

We are working on a website with a dynamic font size functionality. Do you know that this so useful functionality costs only two lines of code? If you consider the need of people to see larger fonts on your website you can use JavaScript code crated by our web developer. Change Font Size with Javascript

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iPhone 4 will have 512MB of RAM

The original iPhone and iPhone 3G contained 128MB of RAM. The iPhone 3GS has 256MB of RAM. Also, the iPad contains 256MB of RAM. A new iPhone 4 confirmed to have 512MB of RAM, it is twice the iPad and iPhone 3GS. 512MB of RAM will help performance and multi-tasking on the new iPhone 4.

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WordPress 3 released

Few months ago we informed about an upcoming third version of WP. Today, officially WordPress 3.0 is now available for download or upgrade within a dashboard. An official announcement from WordPress 3.0, the thirteenth major release of WordPress and the culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors, is now available for

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