Monthly Archives: July 2010

iPhone 4 antenna issues

Steven P. Jobs, chief executive of Apple, acknowledged on Friday July 16, 2010 that iPhone 4 has problems with its antenna. Apple will give free bumpers to all iPhone 4 owners who want them. Cases that wrap around the rim of the phone cost $29, and they will remain free until September 30. Customers can

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Email templates in Gmail

[Tip for Gmail users] Responding emails is an everyday task for most of modern businesses. In many cases we repeat some parts of our messages over and over. Responds to clients like quotes and answering general questions do not have to be done by coping and pasting text from other emails. Gmail users can use

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SEO issue: underscores vs. dashes in URLs

URL structure is one of the most important issues in SEO. However there are confusions about URL creation practices, and many different opinions. I had recently an interesting conversation with few SEO experts and I did some dipper research about this problem. Let’s look at the leaders. Wikipedia uses underscores for all subpages. We can

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Rich text signatures in Gmail

Gmail added very important improvement to its service, one of the most wanted by its users. We can now add logos to our email signature and format the text as we want. Gmail used to support plain text signatures, now we are able to add company logos, fancy formatting, website and email links etc. However,

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Zen Cart Developer’s Journal: How to freeze your store when out for vacation?

Sometimes there is a need of closing your online store, so people can’t check out. There are two ways to temporary close your ZenCart store. The fist solution is to use “Down for maintenance page”. Simply you log in to your control panel and select Configuration > Website Maintenance > Down for Maintenance. You can

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YouTube 4K

Google has announced during YouTube now supports video in 4096 x 3072. A new feature calls 4K. Google said that the perfect screen for 4K video is 25 feet. For comparison – IMAX uses two 2K projectors. 4K are not videos that you can easily capture on a handheld camera, it will be limited to

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Adobe Flash Player with 3D capability

Adobe is working on a Flash Player with 3D graphics capabilities. A new Flash Player 3D will be ready for presentation later in the year. “If you are into 3d development for games, augmented reality or just interactive stuff like websites, you just can’t miss the session entitled Flash Player 3D future,” says Imbert. (

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Mobile Internet Users in US – survey

Pew Internet (Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project) performed a telephone survey of 2,252 US adults in April and May 2010 regarding mobile activity. One of the most impressive information is how large the mobile internet audience is. 82% of respondents said they owned a mobile phone. It translates into 187 million, out

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Firefox 4 Beta 1

Firefox 4 Beta 1 for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux is available to download. This version even if still under beta testing is mostly stable enough for regular use. The biggest improvements between Firefox 3 the newest one is speed. Firefox 4 supports also CSS 3 and HTML5, it has also better protection against

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YouTube Hacked

Google acknowledged that hackers attacked YouTube on Sunday, exploiting a cross-site scripting (XSS). The attack hit mainly sections where users post comments. The result of this strike was that comments were temporarily hidden for few hours. However Google fixed everything within two hours. A Google spokesman in an chat with New York Times that the

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