Monthly Archives: July 2010

Fourth of July 2010 in New York

In 2010 Macy’s Fourth of July Fireworks makes its second raid to the Hudson River. We prepared for you a list of prime places to see the show. West Side Highway – below 59th Street along Eleventh Avenue. Piers 54 and Pier 84 – West St. and 13th St. / West St. and 44th St.

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Search Engine Market Share June 2010

Search Engine Market Share for June 2010 shows that Google is constantly improving its position, also Yahoo and Bing are moving slowly up. We can see there is less and less space for other search engines. So, for SEO experts there is no any news, Google is still a leader with 84.96% and it is

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Browser Market Share June 2010

Browser Market Share for June 2010 shows that Firefox and Opera don’t change their position, Safari and Chrome are slowly moving up. The biggest news is that Internet Explorer gained market share. Bad news for Web developers – actually even Internet Explorer 6 gained market share this month. Internet Explorer, Microsoft’s browser is used by

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SEO Tip: SEO content writing

SEO is about the content. Nobody will find your website for desire keywords if there are no such keywords on your website. However, Google search algorithm is smarter than we think. Content created for SEO purpose doesn’t have to contain exact phrases we want to advertize our website for. Let’s say, we do SEO for

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