Monthly Archives: August 2010

eBay Bucks

eBay is launching a rewards program called eBay Bucks. It allows eBay shoppers from U.S. who are registered members of the marketplace, to earn 2 percent cash back on many items purchased through the website with PayPal. Info from an official eBay website: What is the eBay Bucks Rewards Program? The eBay Bucks Rewards Program

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Tweet Button

As we mentioned about that few days ago (news An official Tweet Button) Tweeter released its official Tweet Button. By adding this button to your website you let people share content on Twitter without having to leave your website. Posts submitted to Twitter are automatically with shortened link that points to the shared item.

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ATT is improving its service in New York City

I just received this text message from ATT – “Committed to improving you superior service, we recently launched a new cell site that will enhance coverage between W 110th and 116th street and surrounding area.” That sounds like an another good news for New Yorkers. More than a week ago we mentioned about Wi-Fi coming

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An official Tweet Button

Right now in order to have retweet button counting how many times a post has been tweeted we have to use services like Tweetmeme and Not any longer, within few days Tweeter is going to release an official Tweet Button for sharing articles on the web.

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Search Engine Market Share July 2010

Last month Yahoo lost, Google and Bing gained visitors. To learn more visit Search Engine Market Share page.

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Internet Explorer gains browser market share – July 2010

Last month IE and Safari get more fans, while other browsers lost users. According to the newest data browser version market share looks as follow: Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 – 26.87% Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 – 16.97% Firefox 3.6 – 16.15% Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 – 11.43% Chrome 5.0 – 6.48%

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The New York Times Paywall

Next year The New York Times will start charging for an access to its online resources. Even that we still are guessing what it will look like, there are some unofficial numbers available. Possible prices: – an access to the Times for a 24 hour period will probably cost $2 – monthly web access –

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Google does not plan to continue developing Wave

Almost one year ago Royal Deer Design write with a big enthusiasm about Wave from Google, a new social networking environment from Google. Today, Google on its official blog announced that the company stopped developing wave. From an official blog: “But despite these wins, and numerous loyal fans, Wave has not seen the user adoption

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Somebody just stole Royal Deer Design layout

Some company located in Chicago which website we can find here, just stole entire website of Royal Deer Design (design, portfolio, content etc.). An action has been taken, we contacted a hosting company which hosts GBN Web Development. Also, we are going to take some legal actions against this person or company. Soon

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