Monthly Archives: September 2010


Engineers at Google are working on a new image format for the Web. WebP was introduced as a replacement for JPEG. Google promises that the new format will significantly reduce the byte size of photos (by even 39%), while preserving quality and resolution of JPEG. Of course WebP images can’t be viewed yet in any

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Symantec Virtual Meeting for stockholders

Symantec is the first Fortune 500 Corporation which organized its annual meeting for stockholders only in a virtual version. However, there are many complains about this gathering. There were plenty of complains about the meeting hosted by Symantec. They used only voice communication without a video transmission, few directors from the company didn’t attend the

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AOL acquired TechCrunch

AOL bought the technology news blog TechCrunch. The main goal of the deal is to boost AOL’s growing online editorial business. The companies didn?t disclose terms, however according to some source (New York Times) the price tag is more than $35 million. AOL is taking seriously the goal of being seen as a hub for

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Digg redesign and its traffic

It looks like the launch of Digg’s redesign which took place few weeks ago have a bad impact on the website traffic. During its glory days, Digg had over 40 million unique visitors monthly. Since the launch of the new design, Digg’s traffic is falling, and we can see now that US traffic has declined

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Richest Americans 2010

The Forbes released its list of 400 richest Americans. One of the person on the listing is Mark Zuckerberg, an owner of Facebook whose wealth is worth $6.9 billion. That puts him at number 35. It is up from 135th place last year. It is important to mention that the Facebook as a company is

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Internet Explorer 9

Few days ago Microsoft introduced their latest version of Internet Explorer 9. According to the Windows Team Blog, there were over 2 million downloads of the IE9 beta in the first two days. IE9 looks very slick and fast, it is running HTML5 code, and provides hardware acceleration. However, IE9 doesn?t run on XP, it

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Spoilers in Wikipedia

We can find in today’s New York Times a story which tries to investigate if Wikipedia should be more careful with summaries of movies, plays and books, in order to avoid spoilers. An example of a play struggling with this issue is Agatha Christie play “The Mousetrap.” The play’s twist ending has been preserved by

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GoDaddy for sale

According to the WSJ, has put itself up for sale. Experts said the website is worth even $1 billion. The company declared in 2009 its revenue between $750 million and $800 million. The company Go Daddy Group Inc. runs the world’s largest web domain name registrar, and currently it has more than 43 million

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Google Instant and SEO

After Google released its new function Google Instant SEO experts around the world ask very important question – how the new search enhancement (which shows results as you type) will effect Search Engine Optimization? It is too early to give the correct answer. Definitely Google Instant over time will change search engine optimization. Of course

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Google Instant

Google added a new function to its search engine – Google Instant. The new search enhancement shows results as you type. According to Google, the new feature, because it shows results before we finish typing, can save 2-5 seconds per search.

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