Monthly Archives: January 2011

Google launches algorithm change

Matt Cutts, a Google software engineer and head of Google’s Webspam team, recently gave an update in his blog on his search engine spam post. A recent post of his stated that “we’re evaluating multiple changes that should help drive spam levels even lower, including one change that primarily affects sites that copy others’ content

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How to add Facebook Like Button to WordPress Blog Posts

There are some plugins for WordPress that add Facebook Like button, however we can add this functionality manually by editing single.php file. To do so, go to single.php file and find a place marked as . Then insert this code, for example just bellow. < ?php the_content(' '); ?> < iframe src="< ?php the_permalink() ?>&layout=standard&show_faces=true&width=450&action=like&colorscheme=light&height=80″

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Royal Deer Design goes live with site for clothing design industry,

Royal Deer Design, a web design company based in New York City, recently unveiled its latest techno- savvy website, The team at Royal Deer Design created the site for the highly successful media and fashion industry executive, Rahel Cete. The site, which has a custom design and functionality, features a custom CMS control panel

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Verizon offering unlimited data plan for limited time

Verizon will now offer those who purchase an iPhone a $30 unlimited data plan. Verizon COO Lowell McAdam explained that not offering an unlimited plan would prevent customers who might otherwise switch from AT&T from doing so. Anticipation that Verizon would soon offer the iPhone kept sales down in the fourth quarter of 2010, he

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Google War on Spam

Google has, and continues, to take a proactive approach toward spam. According to a post on Google’s official blog on Friday by Matt Cutts, Google’s search quality is presently “better than it has ever been in terms of relevance, freshness and comprehensiveness.” Cutts also reminded users of the following principles which apply to Google search

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Google’s Larry Page will become CEO

A net revenue of $6.4 billion and $8.75 a share were recently reported by Google. There are also some major leadership changes slated to take place. Effective April 4th, Google Co-Founder Larry Page will assume responsibility for Google’s day-to-day operations as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin will turn his attention to strategic

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Amazon acquires European movie streaming & rental company Lovefilm

Today, Amazon, America’s largest online retailer, announced it acquired Lovefilm, one of the leading European movie rental services. Prior to the acquisition, Amazon owned a minority share of the company. Exact details of the sale were not disclosed, but reports estimate the value to be between $200 and $270 million. Lovefilm offers similar services to

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Starbucks introduces mobile payment for customers

Starbucks is introducing its Starbucks Card mobile application across the country. It enables customers to start the app, hold up a barcode on the screen to a scanner in the store, which then automatically deducts money from the customer’s Starbucks Card account in exchange for his or her favorite beverage. The application supports the iPhone,

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Google announces H.264 is out, WebM is in

Last week, in a move that has sparked much heated debate, Google announced it was dropping H.264 support from Chrome’s HTML5 video tag. According to the post at The Chromium Blog, posted by Google Product Manager Mike Jazayeri, “Specifically, we are supporting the WebM (VP8) and Theora video codecs, and will consider adding support for

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Wikipedia set to celebrate 10th birthday this week

As Wikipedia, the online resource for everything from our country’s leaders to Lady Gaga, from history to current events, nears its 10th birthday, its leaders are seeking greater diversity in its editors. Today, the majority of Wikipedia editors are male, well educated, and in their twenties, according to Jimmy Wales, the site’s founder. Wikipedia plans

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