Monthly Archives: February 2011

How to redirect website to the new address by using htaccess file?

The best way to redirect your website to the new address is by using redirection 301. It is the most efficient and Search Engine friendly method for website redirection. It easy to implement and it should preserve search engine rankings for your website. The code 301 we can interpreted as “moved permanently.” Below the code

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Google Announces Algorithm Change

Late last week, Google announced it had made a major change to its algorithm so as to improve the rankings of high-quality web sites in its search results. This change was made in an effort to also reduce the visibility of low-quality sites. Although Google did not say so directly, the change might appear to

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Rich Snippets

The semantic Web is getting more and more attention, partially because of Google, which is using rich snippets to identify related information and position it consequently on the SERPs. Accurate use of rich snippets improves websites’ visibility in a search engine. This week Google is introducing a recipe search engine which will wildly use rich

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President Obama Meets with Technology’s Major Players

Following President Obama’s statement that he wants to encourage American businesses to invest more money in innovation, venture capitalist John Doerr hosted a meeting in California Thursday with technology’s major players, including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Google chief executive Eric Schmidt, Apple’s chief executive Steve Jobs, despite media reports that his health had taken a

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Is Bing Better Search Engine Than Google?

According to Hitwise, Bing, Microsoft’s search engine, now has close to 30 percent of the search engine market and is gaining on Google. In January alone, Bing’s share increased by 6 percent. To what can this increase be attributed? Is Bing the better search engine? According to Hitwise Google’s “success rate” ? the percentage of

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AOL Buys Huffington Post for $315 Million

In recent days, AOL paid $315 million for the Huffington Post, one of the Web’s most prominent news and opinion sites. Huffington Post co-founder Arianna Huffington will assume the role of president and editor in chief of the Huffington Post Media Group within AOL. She, along with investor and well known communications executive Kenneth Lerer,

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Bing’s Yusuf Mehdi Sounds Off About Google’s Accusations

In recent days, Google accused Bing of copying its search results, which has set off yet another Microsoft versus Google debate. Bing executive Yusuf Mehdi, senior vice president of Microsoft’s Online Services Division, blogged about the accusation, remarking that, “We do not copy results from any of our competitors. Period. Full stop.” In the same

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Android is the Top Smartphone Platform Worldwide

Android is currently the top smartphone platform worldwide, according to new data from Canalys analysts. Android has taken the top spot from Nokia. In the fourth quarter of 2010, there were nearly 33 million shipments of Android-based smartphones, versus 31 million shipments of phones running Nokia’s Symbian platform. However, these rankings are based on handset

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