Monthly Archives: June 2011

Sony is again under attack

A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Sony’s online gaming networks, The PlayStation Network (PSN) and The lawsuit claims that personal data and sensitive information, including credit card numbers, were hacked during a massive attack on both of Sony’s platforms. The attack may have affected more than 100 million of the brands’ gaming customers.

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How to run a profitable website

f you’ve ever asked who can a website make money? The answer involved two simple methods, both of which will be discussed in this article. Aligning your site with an affiliate program with a larger retailer or connecting with Pay per Click systems used commonly through Google and other similar website advertisers. Both are viable

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Mobile Usage Doubles since 2010

It’s no surprise that with the rise of 4G Network capabilities this year, that Mobile data usage leaped a whopping 89 percent. Each month, Nielsen analyzes the activity of 65,000 mobile phone lines in the U.S. and the grown is staggering. Smartphone users account for 37 percent of all mobile subscribers and that number is

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WordPress the most popular, Joomla is Growing

There are millions of websites that use content management systems or CMS’s and of the millions, the three systems that own more than 75 percent of the market share are WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. This is according to Builtwith, a web technology information profiler tool. WordPress is the most popular of the three with 62

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How to Write Great Online Content

Trying to grab the attention of an online audience is no easy task. If content is king, then quick content is its queen. Quick and relevant content make a great website that will keep readers engaged and returning. The ease and speed by which you display this content is especially important as technology continues to

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Tracking sources of traffic with Google Analytics

The most efficient way of tracking traffic from referring sites via Google Analytics is by tagging the traffic with specific variables that are recognized by Google Analytics. All you have to do is attach those three variables to the URL: utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign. For example: utm_campaign=June2011 Google provides even a tool URL Builder

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The Heat is On with Technology Leaders going Public

This past Thursday, Groupon, an elite member of the group of social Internet conglomerates, is stirring up activity in the anticipation of going public. The aim of the newest technology offspring is to raise $3 billion dollars. If Groupon meets its goals, the company could be roughly worth $30 billion, exceeding the value of Google

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Steady movement expected in Android and Smartphone market

In a recent Nielsen report, the mobile operating environment has stabilized over the past several months. Although Androids enjoyed steady growth as the market leader in 2010, Apple and Blackberry are holding on to their market at 26% and 23% of the market share respectively. The study also reveals that Android users consume the most

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