Monthly Archives: March 2012

Smartphones on the rise: What this means for feature phone users

As of the writing of this blog, about half of the mobile phones owned in the US are smartphones. For those who believed the smartphone revolution to be just hype, this new statistic should cause them to rethink. According to the latest figures from Nelson, 49.9 percent of mobile owners had smartphones as of February

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Q&A for an effective online presence

Your domain and the keywords you use help your customers and potential clients find you online. Be sure to choose keywords relevant to your business, and use them in your domain name, article titles, article subtitles, any descriptions, and the content of your site. If you’re not sure whether your keywords are relevant, use Google

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5 steps to improve your website

If you count the hats you wear everyday, what would that number be? Petty large, huh? Of course it is- small business owners are known for being busy. You have a business to manage, an internet presence including social media to maintain, you likely have a number of customers (physical and virtual) to serve, possibly

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Search market plateau continues; Yahoo! in decline

The latest results from the comScore’s February search market share numbers reveal changes in the search engine market. Bing and Google showed gains while Yahoo! lost market share. While this isn’t the official comScore release, the following data shows the changes for February: Google: 66.4 percent (vs. 65.4 percent a year ago) Bing: 15.3 percent

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How to win grant funding to build a website

Step by step guide how win grant funding to build a website. 1) Develop your project idea Of course, you have an idea in mind for your website, but the question is… Is your idea unique? Only those ideas that stand out in a crowd will get the attention of funding agencies. Some of the

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