Monthly Archives: April 2012

Three factors that determine the cost of an app

There’s an app for that is now a common expression. But, if you’re a business owner, you may be wondering? How much does an app cost? The truth is, there’s no single answer for this question; cost actually depends on many factors. It’s akin to asking, “How long is a piece of string?” This article

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Why A Simplistic Design Is The Best Design

We live in an ever-evolving world where trends are constantly changing and our technological abilities are advancing. When it comes to design it is easy to overwhelm your interface with the newest advancements and design elements in an effort to seem modern and draw attention. However, in a continuously cluttered world it is that much

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Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram

Facebook announced this week its purchase of Instagram, a San Francisco-based mobile photo storage application. This is the largest acquisition yet for the social network. Instagram’s photo services will strengthen Facebook’s current photo services. The purchase price was around $1 million in cash and shares. This agreement includes the opportunity for Instagram to remain independent

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Why Hiring A Professional SEO Company Is Crucial For Your Website’s Success

So you have a company or product and you want to market it on a website. Great start, however, it?s not always that simple. There are millions of websites out there all selling similar products and services. If you truly want your product or service to stand out and be noticed chances are the best

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Four tips for an effective ecommerce site

How many purchases have you made using your smartphone in the past month? How about in the past week? With the rise of smartphone-friendly shopping carts, many businesses are catching on to the benefits of ecommerce. In fact, recent years have brought more and more small business retailers to ecommerce as an effective means of

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The Key Elements of a Successful Landing Page

In today’s world it is incredibly important that all businesses and brands have a strong, effective landing page to drive customer interaction and ultimately help a company/brand succeed. However, not every company realizes that there are important rules that need to be followed in order to ensure a profit is gained. Often times, it is

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