Monthly Archives: June 2012

WordPress 3.4 release goes Green

Names in honor of guitarist Grant Green, WordPress 3.4 ‘Green’ has been released to users and developers. Insiders let us know that many significant improvements to a variety of components were designed while listening to Grant Green’s soulful strums. These improvements include theme customization, custom headers, Twitter embeds, and image captions. This release means big

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Is there a utopian NYC neighborhood?

What is the best neighborhood in New York City? Of course, the answer depends on who you ask. There are so many variables to consider: rental rates, proximity to work, quality schools, theater availability, etc. With each neighborhood bringing its own rhythm & character to the table, there are many aspects to consider to find

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The shifting SEO paradigm

The amount of SEO knowledge required by site owners and webmasters these days can be intimidating. The number of pages indexed by search engines is near 4 times the number just a few years ago. For your business to be a competitive force in today’s market, how much SEO is enough? How much SEO is

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10 strategies to increase website traffic

You’ve created your website, and it’s beautiful. You’ve posted it on Facebook, tweeted it to all your followers, emailed your contact list, and called every family member. Now, you’re sitting back waiting for the stats to show millions of page views. But, it’s not happening. Why not? Are you promoting your website in the best

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Maximizing a website’s earning potential

In the era of the World Wide Web, nothing speaks more about a company than its website. Economic hardship, access to unlimited web resources, and market overflow has revolutionized how we spend. Consumers relay on the web to learn about companies? services and product prices, availability, and quality. With increased frequency, purchasing decisions are based

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