Monthly Archives: July 2012

Dueling Search Engine Marketing Techniques: SEO vs. PPC

Your website goals include 1) increased traffic, 2) higher rankings in the most popular search engines, and 3) higher conversions. So what’s the best way to go about achieving them? The two main routes to increased traffic and higher rankings are search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertizing. As they say, all roads lead

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Apple Introduces its New Maps App

For years the smartphone savvy individual has relied on Google maps as their main source for any directional needs. However, one of Apple’s many recent announcements is that they will be offering up some stiff competition in the coming months. Apple Maps will be featured in the iOS6 update and is already available to developers

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You’re ready to take your blogging more seriously, and you’ve done our research. Many business websites use the wordpress platform for its ease of use, versatility, and customizability. But, which WordPress should you use? or What is the difference, and which is the best choice for your small business? Read on and find

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New York: The choice for techie startups

Ask Mayor Michael Bloomberg what business sector is booming in his city, and he’ll not hesitate to answer – ‘Nearly 500 new technology companies have launched in our city since 2007, creating more than 10,000 jobs.’ What’s the fuss about? It’s no wonder why budding entrepreneurs are choosing “Silicon Alley” as the place for their

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