Monthly Archives: August 2012

Data shows consumers less interested in computers

According to trend reports from Google, fewer people are curious about computers these days. In the days of new gagets and gizmos, this factoid seems shocking. But it’s true. According to Google’ search trend data, the line has decreased since 2004 in the number of searches for computer and electronics related terms, e.g. mac, windows,

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Search Engine Crawling

Search Engines are the organizing kings of the Internet. In the chaos of information, the search engine (whichever you choose) helps you find web sites according to the terms you suggest. Of course, your end is quite simple. The job of the search engine is, in comparison, rather complex. In fact, here are some Google

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Website copyright: What’s yours is whose?

Popularity and increased use of the Internet has brought many wonderful benefits. The availability of information at speeds often more quick than our brains can transition is sometimes hard to wrap our heads around. In this age of advancement, the question of copyright is an obvious one. Once you put your words out there for

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