Monthly Archives: November 2012

The iPad Mini: Worth the Wait?

For almost a year it’s been rumored that an iPad mini was in the works. On October 23rd, 2012 the 7.9-inch iPad mini was finally announced at one of Apple’s coveted press events. However, many are skeptical of this device as the late Steve Jobs told financial analysts two years ago that such a product

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Solving the problem of relief inefficiency

In times of crisis and humanitarian need, those who are able often want to help. Many times however, volunteer efforts are disorganized, and sometimes help doesn’t reach those who need it. Hurricane Sandy is a recent example of this imbalance in our society. One blogger, wrote about his experience offering assistance at a church. He

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The top 5 Features to seek in a Smartphone

As Apple releases their iPhone 5 with improvements and upgrades, we reflect on features we’d like to see across the spectrum of smartphones. What if manufacturers partnered together? Could the product not be greater than the sum of its parts? What follows is our wish list for a Smartphone utopia. What we want is the

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Hurricane Sandy’s Effect on the Digital World

The week of October 29, 2012 brought Hurricane Sandy and with it came tremendous devastation and destruction for millions leaving floods, fires, and power outages in its path. After the storm passed, it was reported that 1/4 of cable, Internet, and wireless providers were still not operating at full capacity, or at all. In the

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