Monthly Archives: December 2012

Why You Might Want to Refrain From Posting Negative Yelp Reviews

A recent NPR article exposed the details of a current lawsuit involving a negative Yelp review. The $750,000 lawsuit stemmed from a dissatisfied customer, Jane Perez, who wrote a negative Yelp review about her hired construction company, Dietz’s company, Dietz Development LLC. In the review Perez explained how dissatisfied she was with the service and

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Royal Deer Design’s 2012 Year-End Summary

As 2012 comes to a close we at Royal Deer Design would like to share with you our year-end round up of accomplishments as well as our goals for 2013. 2012 proved to be a year of tremendous growth for our company and its portfolio, allowing us to strengthen relationships with past clients and form

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How to Make Your Marketing Emails a Success

For businesses there can be a very fine line between sending a great marketing email that will heighten your reputation and sending one that will deter customers. This time of year especially consumers are flooded with marketing emails (many often considered spam mail). So what will help your email stand out and lead to a

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Tips for How Your Website Can Better Handle The Holiday Rush

With Christmas just a few days away many websites are experiencing escalated traffic due to last minute gift purchases. Because of this it’s imperative that businesses properly prepare for such heightened traffic and ensure that their site is ready for such potential e-commerce. Thus, we’ve compiled a simple and straightforward list of the top 5

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Study Shows Consumers Spending More Time on Social Media Than Ever Before

A recent study revealed that the majority of time spent online is now predominately spent accessing social media websites. Nielsen noted that there was a 37% increase in time spent on social media websites this past year. Among those who use home computers 20% of time spent online was spent accessing social media sites, and

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Google’s $10 Billion Tax Free Revenue Has Many Up In Arms

Google has a reputation around the world for being the leading search engine, and perhaps global company, that’s always on the cusp of the latest digital technology. However, recently the company has been scrutinized for their decision to place about $10 billion in revenue in a Bermuda shell corporation in an effort to avoid nearly

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Gmail Outage Disrupts Businesses Monday

For millions of employees and employers Monday morning brought along some additional stress as Gmail experienced a brief outage, causing various businesses emails to become debilitated. Though the disruption affected personal Gmail accounts as well, those most affected were businesses whose workday was disrupted due to such an inconvenience. Google noted this issue as a

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A trip down tech’s memory lane: 7 IT relics I miss

As I walked out of my local big-box electronics store this weekend, I found myself thinking of the IT glory days. My memories and that nostalgic feeling were the catalyst for sharing the following list with you: a list of those IT relics I still hold dear. In the 80s growing up, I can remember

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Windows 8 license sales exceed 40 million

An announcement at the Credit Suisse Annual Tech Conference in late November drew the interest of many in the IT field. Tami Reller, the Chief Marketing and Financial Officer for windows, announced that license sales for MS Windows 8 OS, now at 40 million in one month, is on track to exceed the previous record

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Strong Passwords: Tips to make and remember them

We all have them. A specific password for our home email, our work email, our bank account, our cable company account, our phone bill online… so many passwords! But which passwords are the best passwords? How can you construct a password that is most likely to protect your identity or business information? This article will

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