Monthly Archives: August 2013

E-Commerce Sales Using Alternative Payment Methods

The rise of mobile commerce, non-bank payment options, and PCI compliance burdens is making many merchants consider new alternative payment options for all of their shoppers.  Therefore, the online payments industry is changing.  Changing payment options might seem like any easy task, but little attention has been given to the conversion aspect of these new

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WordPress Will Be Releasing Two Versions Concurrently In The Near Future

Any user of WordPress at this exact moment is thrilled to hear this amazing news. WordPress is a great platform for many websites, and is used around the entire world for business websites, blogs, and even as newsletters. WordPress 3.6 was released just recently therefore, the news of version 3.7 and 3.8 on the way

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USPS API changed (August 2013) – update your Magento store

If you run Magento store and offer to your customers USPS shipping options, you probably found out that it recently stopped working (it applies to Priority and Express mail shipping options). USPS was sending to its users an email about the change in their API, but if you didn’t take any action yet, it is

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