Monthly Archives: December 2014

Don’t Just Hide Your WordPress Site – Secure it As Well

If you are looking for a 100% secure, totally safe and completely hack-proof website, you only have one option – disconnect from the web. As long as you remain online and connected to a network with at least one other computer, you are vulnerable. 30,000 websites are hacked every day, with the costs to businesses

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How to Supercharge Your Online Holiday Sales

The music, the lights, the food and the shopping! As the song says, the holiday season is “…the most wonderful time of year”. For

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Small and Medium Businesses Ready to Disrupt the eCommerce Marketplace

Twenty years have passed since the first online shopping transaction was processed. Some claim this purchase was a Pizza Hut pizza, while others say it was Sting’s 10 Summoner’s Tales CD, but whatever it was, the internet would never be the same. Over the next eighteen years, what started out as a single small transaction

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