Monthly Archives: April 2015

Google Changes Search Algorithm, Mobile-Friendly Sites Get Priority

If you need any proof that mobile is the way of the future, look no further than Google’s mobile-friendly update to search algorithms. With this new release, mobile-friendly sites will be given higher priority and rankings than their non-mobile-friendly counterparts. According to Google, “…we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.

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Stack Overflow Survey Results – How Do You Compare?

Stack Overflow, the question and answer site for programmers, has released the results of their annual survey of developers and programmers. While the survey is underrepresented by those who don’t like taking surveys in English, the results are still interesting. Luxembourg has the highest number of per capita developers – 39.8 per 1000 people. The

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Google Improves Your Video Viewing Experience with VP9

If you’ve been frustrated with low quality YouTube videos, help is on the way. Google announced they will start encoding YouTube videos in VP9, an open source video coding software, developed by Google. VP9 provides quality streaming, including HD and 4K videos, at half the bandwidth. With video comprising over half of all internet traffic,

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