Blog Archives

A Few Tips to Help Boost Your E-Commerce Website

With the digital world constantly updating e-commerce websites often find themselves changing their ordering process in an effort to stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest technology. No matter how well designed and interactive your website may be if the ordering process is not straightforward and easy to operate your e-commerce site is destined to

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WordPress 3.5.1 Hits the Market

WordPress is constantly creating new versions of their CMS to maintain their place as a top ranking website platform. On January 24th, 2013 WordPress announced their newest version, version 3.5.1. Update 3.5.1 focuses on general maintenance, ultimately fixing over 35 issues. ​This update also helps heighten security on the platform that millions use to build

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How Social Media Lists Can Help Boost Your Business

It’s no surprise that businesses are using social media more than ever to help increase their reach within a given market. However, how these businesses choose to utilize their social media sites can determine whether their usage proves to be successful or not. The key to many of these social media success stories seems to

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How to Make Your Startup a Success in 3 Easy Steps

The newest trend in business seems to be to become an entrepreneur and create a startup company. However, creating a successful startup business isn’t easy and often comes with many challenges and ridicule. This is in part because statistically startups are destined to fail as only 20% usually stay in business past five years. The

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CES 2013: Introducing The Internet of Things

Every year the annual International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) takes place in Las Vegas and brings with it all the latest gadgets and gizmos to hit the tech world. Over the years some of the biggest technology items in the world have used CES as the place to announce their release. Some of these notable

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2012: The Year in Review for WordPress

2012 proved to be yet another busy year for WordPress. The website recently posted, “2012: A Look Back,” which reviews the tribulations and triumphs experienced by the website over the past 12 months. Overall, WordPress had an incredibly successful year in 2012, gaining further popularity and truly claiming itself as one of the top online

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2013’s Upcoming Social Media Trends

We all know that the social media world has taken off in recent months. However, since the introduction of the tweet and hashtag there have been various changes and advances in how social media is viewed and used around the world. So what changes and updates will be made to the social media front in

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Do people shop on phones?

You’re sitting in a coffee shop waiting for your next appointment when you spy the perfect bag on the shoulder of the lady at the counter. You can make out the brand as she turns to check the line behind her. What do you do? You shop mobile, of course. And, you’re not alone. In

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Take Your Business Farther in 2013

If you’re like most businesses the end of 2012 probably brought with it stressful deadlines, the organizing of finances, and project planning for 2013. As you enter 2013 there are a few key tips we suggest you follow in order to reap success this fiscal year. We’ve compiled these insights below for your reading pleasure.

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Simple Blogging & SEO Tips

In today’s ever-growing digital world blogging in a sense is the new newspaper. Millions of individuals log on every day to their favorite blog sites to answer questions and inform them of the latest news. For all you bloggers out there we understand it’s not uncommon to suffer from writer’s block and find it challenging

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