Tag Archives: Google Analytics

Tracking sources of traffic with Google Analytics

The most efficient way of tracking traffic from referring sites via Google Analytics is by tagging the traffic with specific variables that are recognized by Google Analytics. All you have to do is attach those three variables to the URL: utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign. For example: http://www.royaldeerdesign.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cost-per-click& utm_campaign=June2011 Google provides even a tool URL Builder

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Zen Cart Developer’s Journal: Google Analytics Integration

You can integrate Google Analytics with your Zen Cart website very easily by editing only one file. First you have to have your Google Analytics account. If you do not have one, go to http://www.google.com/analytics/ and sign up. Let’s go to your Zen Cart files. The file we are interested in is located here: ../included/templates/YOURTEMPLATE

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